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Vol.24 No.1 1991 January [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 524KB)]

The Long Term Results of Esophagogastrostomy with Valvulofundoplasty

Youichi Imaoka, Takashi Matsushio, Kyoji Yamamoto, Hiromi Tokumura, Tsuneo Hariu

Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital

The long-term results of valvulofundoplastic esophagogastrostomy to prevent reflux esophagitis after proximal gastrectomy were evaluated. Thirty-four patients were divided into two groups, 18 three years or more after the operation (group A) and 18 less than three years after the operation (group B). Severe heartburn was seen in two patients of group B, in whom reflux esophagitis was seen endoscopically and the antireflux valve was apart from the anastomotic stoma. Patients in group A had only mild complaints. Group A patients also recover better in terms of body weight and dietary habit than those in group B. After 3∼4 years, the size of the antireflux valve was reduced to about 80∼85% of those measured in the postoperative period. Thus, it seems that an antireflux valve remains effective even after long interval. We think this procedure is easy and yet effective enough to prevent complications of poximal gastrectomy, such as reflux esophagitis.

Key words
proximal gastrectomy, valvulofundoplastic esophagogastrostomy, reflux esophagitis

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 24: 9-13, 1991

Reprint requests
Youichi Imaoka Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital
4-3-21 Dainohara, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 981 JAPAN

October 11, 1990

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