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Vol.25 No.11 1992 November [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 407KB)]

Heterogeneity of DNA Content According to the Depth of Invasion in Colorectal Cancer

Toshio Imada, Takashi Suda, Fumihiko Kito, Kenzo Okada, Takako Okada, Kuniyasu Fukuzawa, Yoshihiro Moriwaki, Hirotoshi Akiyama, Hiroshi Takemura, Akihiko Matsumoto*

Department of Surgery, Saiseikai Yokohamashi Nambu Hospital
*First Department of Surgery, Yokohama City University, School of Medicine

Thirty-one cases of colorectal carcinoma were investigated for intratumor heterogeneity in DNA ploidy, DNA index, and S-phase fraction. DNA content of samples from the superficial layer and the deep layer in the same tumor was determined by flow cytometry. Heterogeneity of the DNA ploidy pattern was observed in 3 cases (9.7%). The DNA index was 2.18 and 2.11 and the S-phase fraction was 30.4% and 28.6% in the superficial and deep layers, respectively. These data indicate a low degree of intratumoral heterogeneity of DNA content according to the depth of invasion in colorectal carcinoma.

Key words
DNA content of colorectal carcinoma, heterogeneity, flow cytometry

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 25: 2760-2764, 1992

Reprint requests
Toshio Imada Department of Surgery, Saiseikai Yokohamashi Nambu Hospital
3-2-10 Konan-dai, Konan-ku, Yokohama, 233 JAPAN

June 17, 1992

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