The Effect of Surgical Treatment of Growth Retardation in Children with Ulcerative Colitis
Masayoshi Yamamoto, Akira Sugita, Yasunobu Yamazaki, Hirofumni Harada, Atsushi Takimoto, Katsuhiko Arai, Nobumichi Takeuchi, Naoki Ishiguro, Tsuneo Fukushima
Second Department of Surgery, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
The effects of surgery on five adolescent patients with ulcerative colitis complicated with growth retardation were evaluated. They consisted of 4 boys and one girl who ranged in age from 13 to 15 years (mean, 14 years) at the time of surgery. They comprised 2 with fulminating colitis and 3 with intractability. Three were treated with total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis, two with proctocolectomy and ileoanal anastomosis. The average period from onset to surgery was 3.8 years (range, 4 months to 10 years and 2 months) and prednisolone was given at a total dose of 10066 mg (range, 1560 to 23375 mg). Their height and weight were assessed both pre- and postoperatively. The mean height of the patients was -1.6 SD preoperatively, and they recovered to an average of -0.8 SD at 3.8 years postoperatively (mean increment, +0.8 SD). Their mean weight was -1.8 SD preoperatively, and they recovered to an average of -0.9 SD at 3.8 years postoperatively (mean increment, +0.9 SD). Surgery should be considered for growth-retarded children with fulminating colitis or on long-term steroid therapy.
Key words
growth retardation in children with ulcerative colitis, extracolonic manifestations of ulcerative colitis, side effects of steroid, surgical treatments for growth retardation in of ulcerative colitis
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 25: 2750-2754, 1992
Reprint requests
Masayoshi Yamamoto Second Department of Surgery, Yokohama City University School of Medicine
3-46 Urafune-machi, Minami-ku, Yokohama, 232 JAPAN
June 17, 1992
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