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Vol.34 No.5 2001 May [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 107KB)]

A Case Report of the Ruptured Hepatic Angiosarcoma

Osamu Takahashi1)3), Toru Takahashi1), Kazuhiro Iwai1), Yasufumi Mito1), Yoshinori Suzuki1)3), Eisaku Tsujino1)3), Toshiya Sakai2), Hiroyuki Katoh3) and Akihiro Ishizu4)

Department of Surgery1) and Department of Internal Medicine2), Oji General Hospital Division of Cancer Medicine Cancer Medicine, Surgical Oncology3) and Department of Pathophysiology4), Hokkaido University School of Medicine

A 68-year-old woman visited a hospital because of right hypochongralgia. She was admitted to our hospital because the hematological test showed anemia and thorombocytopenia, and an abdominal computed tomography (CT) image revealed a lesion occupying a space in the right lobe of the liver. Fourteen days after admission, the patient complained abdominal pain. Ultrasonography (US) showed a rupture of the liver tumor, and transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) was performed. The anemia gradually worsened, so a right hepatectomy was performed. After the operation, the tumor was histologically diagnosed as a hemagiosarcoma. The post-operative course was uneventful, but the patient's general status continued to gradually worsen. The patient died on the 53 days after admission. This disease is very rare in the primary malignant tumors. However, these tumors must be accurately differentiated from hemangiomas to determine wheter aggressive treatment, including surgical resection.

Key words
hepatic hemagiosarcoma, ruptured liver tumor

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 34: 490-494, 2001

Reprint requests
Osamu Takahashi Department of Surgery, Asahikawa Red Cross Hospital 1-1 Akebono, Asahikawa-city, 070-8530, JAPAN

February 28, 2001

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