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Vol.27 No.11 1994 November [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 555KB)]

A Case of Asymptomatic Functioning Islet Cell Carcinoma Showing Cystic Formation

Satoshi Shono, Takeyuki Idei, Kazuo Hatsuse, Shouetsu Tamakuma, Seiichi Tamai*

First Department of Surgery and *Department of Pathology, National Defense Medical College

A 68-year-oid woman was admitted with the complaint of tumor in the upper abdomen. Abdominal ultrasonography and computed tomography showed a solid, partially cystic mass, 10×8 cm in diameter, in the pancreas body. The magnetic resonance image showed high intensity of the wall and a part of content in the lesion on T1-weighted images and high intensity on T2-weighted images. The superior mesenteric vein and portal vein were deviated to the right side. The lesion was fed by a posterior pancreatic artery. The portal vein was not invaded. Blood insulin and blood gastrin were increased without peptic ulcer or symptom of hypoglycemia. Laparotomy was carried out on 26 August 1992. The pancreas body and tail with spleen was resected with the lesion. The resected pancreatic tumor measured about 10 cm in diameter and has a cystic cavity showing irregular tubers. The histopathological diagnosis was islet cell carcinoma. The immunopathological stains of insulin, gastrin, cromogranin A, pro GRP and GRP were positive. From the above findings, the lesion was concluded to be cystic asymptomatic functioning islet cell carcinoma.

Key words
cystic asymptomatic islet cell carcinona, islet cell tumor of pancreas, cystic tumor of pancreas

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 27: 2456-2460, 1994

Reprint requests
Satoshi Shono Department of Surgery, Japan Self Defense Force Gifu Hospital
Naka Kanyûchi, Kakamigahara City, 504 JAPAN

July 6, 1994

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