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Vol.34 No.5 2001 May [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 115KB)]

A Case Report of Duplication of the Stomach with Chronic Pancreatitis

Koichi Yokoyama, Yasuyuki Asada, Hideo Saitoh, Yoshinori Munemoto, Katsuaki Fujisawa, Yoshio Kasahara, Takeshi Mitsui, Yoshiro Iida, Shouji Miura and Masakiyo Fujisawa

Department of Surgery, Fukuiken Saiseikai Hospital

A 17-year-old female was referred to our hospital with an upper abdominal mass and pain. She had had episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain since the age of 3 years, but no definitive diagnosis was made. On the 5th day of her hospitalization, emergency surgery was performed because of a sudden increase in tenderness. At surgery, a huge tumor was found spreading from the left upper to the lower abdomen. The tumor was mainly composed of 4 cysts. In the most dorsal cyst, gastric-appearing mucosa was recognized and a biopsy specimen of the cyst wall was taken for pathological examination. The other cysts were two abscesses and a pancreatic pseudocyst. Gastro-cystostomy and abdominal drainage were performed. Histological examination revealed duplication of the stomach with an atrophic gastric mucosa, a mucosal muscle layer, and muscularis propria. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient is currently well with no complaints of abdominal pain. Some cases of duplication of the stomach with pancreatic communication have been reported as a cause of recurrent pancreatitis. Her duplication of the stomach of our case probably had the communication with the pancreatic duct, although we could not demonstrate it.

Key words
duplication of the stomach, chronic pancreatitis

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 34: 475-479, 2001

Reprint requests
Koichi Yokoyama Department of Surgery, Arimatsu Central Hospital 5-1-7 Arimatsu, Kanazawa-shi, 921-8161 JAPAN

January 31, 2001

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