Endorectal Ultrasonography using Emulsified Olive Oil Enema (OE-ERU) for the Preoperative Detection of Perirectal Lymph Node Metastasis from Rectal Cancer
Yoshihide Ushitani, Hidetaka Mochizuki, Shoetsu Tamakuma
First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
The usefulness of OE-ERU in improving the preoperative diagnosis of perirectal lymph node metastasis from rectal cancer was evaluated in comparison with conventional ERU. With OE-ERU, the detection rate of perirectal lymph node and average number of perirectal lymph nodes detected per patient increased considerably, from 39% and 0.4/patient to 73% and l.3/patient, respectively. Diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity with respect to lymph node metastasis also improved, from 70.4% and 59.5% to 87.5% and 92.0% respectively. Out of 21 cases in which perirectal lymph nodes were detected by OE-ERU alone, lymph node metastasis was observed histologically in 10. It was concluded that OE-ERU appears to be useful in improving the preoperative diagnosis of perirectal lymph node metastasis.
Key words
endorectal ultrasonography, emulsified olive oil enema, perirectal lymph node metastasis
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 25: 1036-1040, 1992
Reprint requests
Yoshihide Ushitani First Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
3-2, Tokorozawa-shi, 359 JAPAN
December 10, 1991
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