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Vol.30 No.10 1997 October [Table of Contents] [Full text ( PDF 469KB)]

A Case with Multiple Primary Cancers of the Stomach (4 Primary Cancers) and Colorectum (3 Primary Cancers) Followed 34 Years

Ryoichi Kondo, Tadahiro Shimizu, Shigeyoshi Kumeda, Takehiko Iwasa, Toshio Hori

The Department of Surgery, Matsumoto National Hospital

A case with multiple primary cancers of the stomach (4 primary cancers) and colorectum (3 primary cancers) is reported. A 66-year-old man who had undergone ileocecalectomy for cecal cancer at age 32 years, distal gastrectomy and partial resection of the liver for gastric cancer with liver invasion at age 55 years, low anterior resection of the rectum for rectal cancer at age 59 years, lt hemicolectomy and resection of the efferent loop of gastric stump for transverse colon cancer at tage 62 years and subtotal resection of the gastric stump and partial resection of the transeverse colon and jejunum for gastric cancer at age 65 years, was admitted to our hospital because of anemia and occult fecal blood. Borrmann 2 like cancers in the lesser curvature and anterior wall of the gastric stump were indicated by gastrointestinal endoscopy. The patient underwent total gastrectomy and splenectomy. Recently, the number of multiple primary cancers has been increasing, but cases with six or more primary cancers are rare. Six of these seven primary malignant tumors were advanced Therefore we reconsidered the methods of regular following and examination. The patient lived more than 34 years after the first operation due to the absence of liver metastases, peritoneal dissemination and lesser lymph node metastases.

Key words
multiple primary cancers, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 30: 2009-2013, 1997

Reprint requests
Ryoichi Kondo The Department of Surgery, Matsumoto National Hospital
1209 Muraimachi, Yoshikawa, Matsumoto, 399 JAPAN

May 21, 1997

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