






1.【総論】消化器外科領域におけるリキッドバイオプシー ENGLISH

Liquid Biopsy in Gastrointestinal and HBP Surgery
Liquid biopsy has been reported as a non-invasive method to evaluate cancer dynamics that overcomes spatial and temporal heterogeneity. It is expected to be applied to early detection, monitoring of treatment, and selection of therapeutic agents. We would like to discuss the latest research results on the topics and clinical applications of liquid biopsy in the field of gastrointestinal and HBP surgery.

2.【総論】デジタル技術を駆使した手術支援の最前線 ENGLISH

画像デジタル技術は目覚ましい革新を遂げ,術前シミュレーションのみならず,ICG蛍光法やMixed realityによる手術ナビゲーション,人工知能(AI)導入による手術支援の臨床応用が進んでいる.さらには、遠隔手術支援の社会実装に向けた準備も進められている.本セッションでは臓器や分野を問わず,最新デジタル技術を用いた手術支援の現状と今後の展望について論じていただきたい.
Surgical Assistance with Latest Digital Technology
Digital imaging technology has been dramatically innovated and is now used not only for preoperative simulation but also for clinical applications such as ICG fluorescence, surgical navigation using mixed reality, and surgical support by introducing artificial intelligence (AI). In this session, we would like to discuss the current status and future prospects of surgical support using the latest digital technologies, regardless of the organ or field.

3.【総論】消化器外科手術におけるERASの進化 ENGLISH

Evolution of ERAS in Gastrointestinal and HBP Surgery
More than 10 years have passed since ERAS was introduced in Japan. During this period, the program has been improved at each institution and has been evolving day by day. In this session, we would like to discuss the practice and results of ERAS, including preoperative management, fluid infusion, drainage, nutritional management, and rehabilitation, with a view to creating new evidence.

4.【上部】Stage III胃癌に対する術後補助化学療法の現状と今後の展望 ENGLISH

Stage III胃癌に対する術後補助化学療法にS-1+ドセタキセル療法が追加された.しかしながらプラチナ製剤を含むレジメンとの優劣は証明されておらず,治療法選択は一定していない.また,術前補助療法の適応拡大や免疫チェックポイント阻害薬を含めた新規周術期補助療法の開発が進められており,今後は治療法選択の複雑化が予想される.本セッションではStage III胃癌に対する術後補助化学療法の選択について,現状と今後の展望を論じていただきたい.
Current Status and Future Prospects of Postoperative Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage III Gastric Cancer
S-1 plus docetaxel has been added to postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy regimens for Stage III gastric cancer. However, the superiority of this regimen over platinum-containing regimens has not been demonstrated, and the choice of treatment has not been consistent. In addition, the indication for preoperative adjuvant therapy has been expanded and new perioperative adjuvant therapies, including immune checkpoint inhibitors, are being developed, complicating the choice of treatment options. In this session, we would like to discuss the current status and future prospects of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for Stage III gastric cancer.

5.【下部】切除可能な遠隔転移を有する直腸癌に対する至適治療戦略 ENGLISH

Optimal Treatment Strategy for Rectal Cancer with Resectable Distant Metastases
Rectal cancer with resectable distant metastases presents a variety of treatment options, with each primary and distant metastatic lesion presenting with varying degrees of tumor extension. In addition, when local stenosis is present, there are options for prior resection of the primary tumor, stoma placement or stenting for pre-treatment, which have not been standardized. We would like to discuss treatment strategies, including primary and distant intervention methods and timing, and combinations of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

6.【肝胆膵】膵体尾部癌に対する至適術式と今後の方向性 ENGLISH

Optimal Surgical Procedure for Pancreatic Body-Tail Cancer and its Future Direction
The standard surgical procedure for pancreatic body-tail cancer is distal pancreatectomy directly above the portal vein and D2 lymph node dissection. On the other hand, there are opinions that the extent of resection should be determined with emphasis on preservation of pancreatic function and reliable R0 resection. In this session, we would like to discuss the current status of surgery for pancreatic body-tail cancer and the long-term results including pancreatic function, and clarify the optimal surgical approach and future direction.

7.【肝胆膵】Borderline resectable大腸癌肝転移の至適治療戦略 ENGLISH

大腸癌肝転移には技術的切除可能と腫瘍学的切除可能の乖離が存在する.このような,いわゆるBorderline resectable大腸癌肝転移においては,その定義から治療戦略について各施設で意見が分かれるところである.各施設のBorderline resectable大腸癌肝転移に対する治療戦略,その成績について提示いただきたい.
Optimal Treatment Strategies for Borderline Resectable Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
There is a gap between technically resectable and oncologically resectable colorectal liver metastases. The definition and treatment strategies for such so-called borderline resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases are controversial among institutions. We would like to discuss the optimal treatment strategy based on the results of treatment of borderline resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases at each institution.

8.【肝胆膵】5-5-500基準導入後の肝細胞癌に対する肝移植の現状と課題 ENGLISH

Current Status and Issues of Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Introduction of 5-5-500 Criteria
In April 2020, a new indication for living donor liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the so-called 5-5-500 criteria, was adopted for insurance coverage. This revision is expected to expand the number of patients who are eligible for transplantation while maintaining the same low recurrence rate and high survival rate as the Milan criteria. In this session, we would like to discuss the effectiveness and challenges of the new criteria based on the changes in the number of cases and treatment outcomes after the introduction of the new criteria.


1.【上部】胸部食道癌に対するロボット支援下手術の現状と今後の展望 ENGLISH

Current Status and Future Prospects of Robot-Assisted Surgery for Thoracic Esophageal Cancer
Robotic-assisted thoracic esophagectomy for thoracic esophageal cancer is increasingly indicated due to the improved operability and precision of robotic surgery. On the other hand, there is still a lack of evidence regarding its effectiveness in reducing complications and its oncological superiority. In this session, we would like to discuss the position of robot-assisted surgery in the treatment of thoracic esophageal cancer by presenting short- and long-term results when the number of cases has been accumulated at each institution.

2.【上部】進行食道胃接合部癌に対する至適術式選択 ENGLISH

Optimal Surgical Procedure for Advanced Esophagogastric Junction Cancer
The extent of surgical resection and lymph node dissection in esophagogastric junction cancer depends on the localization of the tumor center and the length of esophageal invasion. In addition, reconstructive methods are also taken into consideration in determining the approach. However, in patients with advanced cancer or coexisting hiatal hernia, it is often difficult to determine the relationship between the tumor center and esophagogastric junction. In this session, we would like to discuss the actual resection extent, dissection extent, and approach method selection at each institution to guide the selection of the optimal surgical procedure.

3.【上部】進行胃癌に対するロボット支援下手術の現状と今後の展望 ENGLISH

Current Status and Future Prospects of Robot-Assisted Surgery for Advanced Gastric Cancer
The high precision of robot-assisted surgery has been recognized, and in the 2022 revision of the medical fee schedule, an increase in the reimbursement points for existing robot-assisted surgery for gastric cancer was approved. On the other hand, the evidence of oncological outcomes for advanced gastric cancer is insufficient. In this session, we would like to discuss the advanced gastric cancer surgery utilizing the characteristics of surgical robots, based on the actual results of robot-assisted surgery for advanced gastric cancer at each institution.

4.【下部】局所進行直腸癌に対する腹腔鏡下手術の現状と課題克服のための方略 ENGLISH

Current Status of Laparoscopic Surgery for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer and Strategies to Overcome the Challenges
Laparoscopic surgery for locally advanced rectal cancer is expected to be a sophisticated procedure that achieves both oncologic cure and functional preservation. However, at present, there is insufficient evidence for the usefulness of laparoscopic surgery in achieving these goals. We would like to present the short- and long-term results of laparoscopic, taTME, and robot-assisted rectal surgery from the viewpoints of both radical cure and functional preservation, and discuss the current issues and techniques/strategies to overcome them.

5.【下部】他臓器・血管・骨合併切除を要する拡大骨盤手術手技 ENGLISH

Extended Pelvic Surgery Requiring Combined Resection of Other Organs, Blood Vessels, and Bone
Multidisciplinary treatment has markedly improved the local outcome of rectal cancer. However, highly invasive lesions such as direct invasion of the anterolateral region, lateral lymph node metastasis requiring vascular resection, and local recurrence requiring bone resection are the last key factors that determine the patient's life. We would like to report the techniques and results of these surgeries in order to pass them on to future generations and to improve them.

6.【肝胆膵】ロボット支援下膵頭十二指腸切除術の現況と今後の展望 ENGLISH

Current Status and Future Prospects of Robotic-Assisted Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Since RPD was covered by insurance in April 2020, the number of cases of robot-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy (RPD) has been increasing, mainly at advanced facilities. While RPD is expected to enable more precise surgery than laparoscopic surgery, there are many issues to be addressed for its safe introduction and dissemination, such as the need to master surgical techniques and methods of visual field development unique to robotic surgery. In this session, we would like to present the actual situation and short-term results of RPD at each institution, and discuss the challenges and future direction of RPD introduction.

7.【肝胆膵】高難度腹腔鏡下肝切除の定型化に向けて ENGLISH

Toward Standardization of Highly Difficult Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Laparoscopic liver resection has been reported to maintain oncologic cure and good short-term results. On the other hand, subsegmental resections in S1/S7/S8 and complex anatomic resections have not yet been standardized, as various approaches and zone identification methods are utilized. In this session, we would like to discuss the actual surgical techniques for these difficult laparoscopic liver resections, with the aim of standardizing the techniques.



1.【総論】【Challenges beyond borders】


[Challenges beyond borders] Challenges in applying AI to optimize the treatment of advanced gastrointestinal and HBP cancer
In the treatment of advanced gastrointestinal and HBP cancer, there are a wide variety of pathological scenarios and treatment options, and it is no longer possible to reduce them to simple diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms. In recent years, reports of machine learning of image and genome information for diagnosis and treatment support and development of novel therapies have been recognized. In this session, we would like to share the results of research on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnosis and treatment support, and discuss strategies to optimize the treatment of advanced gastrointestinal and HBP cancer.

2.【上部】【Challenges beyond borders】
切除不能食道癌に対するconversion surgeryの現状と新たな治療戦略


cT4や遠隔転移のため切除不能とされた食道癌に対して化学療法や放射線化学療法が奏功した場合,conversion surgeryが選択肢の一つとなる.完遂時には長期予後が期待される一方で,前治療の影響のために高度な手術操作を必要とし,周術期合併症リスクが高いことも課題である.また、遠隔転移例では早期再発も懸念される。本セッションではconversion surgery達成率を高めるための集学的治療戦略ならびに手術の安全性を高めるための工夫について,短期・長期成績をもとに議論いただきたい.
[Challenges beyond borders] Current Status of Conversion Surgery for Unresectable Esophageal Cancer and New Treatment strategies
Conversion surgery is an option for patients with initially unresectable esophageal cancer due to cT4 or distant metastasis but become resectable after successful chemotherapy or radiation therapy. While a long-term prognosis is expected at the time of completion of conversion surgery, it requires a high level of surgical skill to overcome the influence of previous treatment, and there is a high risk of perioperative complications. Early recurrence is also a concern in cases of distant metastasis. In this session, we would like to discuss multidisciplinary treatment strategies to improve the conversion rate and surgical safety based on short- and long-term results.

3.【上部】【Challenges beyond borders】
高度進行胃癌に対するconversion surgeryの現状と新たな治療戦略


化学療法や分子標的薬,免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の進歩によって,切除不能進行胃癌に対するconversion surgeryを選択する機会が増加している.予後改善効果も次第に明らかになり,腫瘍が制御された状態ではoligometastasis切除やNo.16リンパ節郭清を含めた積極的な切除も行われつつある.一方で,手術適応やタイミング,術式や術後補助療法については,一定の見解は得られていないのが現状である.本セッションでは各施設の胃癌に対するconversion surgeryの現状と成績を提示いただき,今後のconversion surgeryを含めた集学的治療戦略について議論いただきたい.
[Challenges beyond borders] Current Status and New Treatment Strategies of Conversion Surgery for Highly Advanced Gastric Cancer
Advances in chemotherapy, molecular-targeted agents, and immune checkpoint inhibitors have increased the opportunities for conversion surgery for unresectable advanced gastric cancer. The prognostic value of conversion surgery has become increasingly clear, and aggressive resection including oligometastasis resection and No. 16 lymph node dissection is now being performed when the tumor is under control. On the other hand, there is no clear consensus on the indications for surgery, timing, surgical techniques, and postoperative adjuvant therapy. In this session, we would like to present the current status and results of conversion surgery for gastric cancer at each institution, and discuss future multidisciplinary treatment strategies including conversion surgery.

4.【下部】【Challenges beyond borders】


[Challenges beyond borders] New Multidisciplinary Treatment Strategies for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
The TNT strategy of sequential preoperative radiation therapy and chemotherapy is currently the most promising strategy for the multimodality treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer. However, there have been cases of inadequate response and persistent adverse events with radiation or chemotherapy, and individualized strategies are needed to maximize the safety and efficacy of multimodality treatment. We would like to discuss new treatment strategies that go beyond the current outcomes and challenges.

5.【肝胆膵】【Challenges beyond borders】


[Challenges beyond borders] New Multidisciplinary Treatment Strategies for Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer
Diagnostic and surgical techniques and perioperative management of hilar cholangiocarcinoma, distal cholangiocarcinoma, advanced gallbladder cancer, and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma have progressed, and safe surgery is now possible. However, it is still difficult to say that a good long-term prognosis has been achieved, and as with other cancers, the development of multidisciplinary treatment is expected. In this session, we would like to discuss the future direction of multidisciplinary treatment for advanced biliary tract cancer based on new approaches and treatment results at each institution.

6.【肝胆膵】【Challenges beyond borders】
局所進行膵癌に対するconversion surgeryの現状と新たな治療戦略


BR-A膵癌やUR-LA膵癌などの局所進行膵癌に対して,化学療法もしくは化学放射線療法後のconversion surgery症例が増加している.完遂例では一定割合で長期予後が期待されるものの,至適術前治療レジメンと治療期間,切除可否の判断基準,安全な手術手技,術後補助療法の必要性,R1/R2手術症例への対応などの課題も多い.本セッションでは,各施設におけるconversion surgeryの現状を提示いただき,conversion surgery達成率と長期成績の向上を目指した治療戦略について議論いただきたい.
[Challenges beyond borders] Current Status and New Treatment Strategies of Conversion Surgery for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Conversion surgery after chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer such as BR-A and UR-LA pancreatic cancer is increasing. Long-term prognosis is expected in a certain percentage of patients who complete conversion surgery. However, there are many issues to be addressed, such as optimal preoperative treatment regimen and duration of treatment, decision criteria for resection, safe surgical techniques, necessity of postoperative adjuvant therapy, and how to treat R1/R2 surgery patients. In this session, we would like to present the current status of conversion surgery at each institution, and discuss treatment strategies aimed at improving the conversion surgery achievement rate and long-term outcomes.

7.【肝胆膵】【Challenges beyond borders】


肝細胞癌に対する分子標的薬,免疫チェックポイント阻害薬を用いた薬物療法の進歩は,肝細胞癌治療全体にパラダイムシフトをもたらしている.切除不能例でのconversion surgeryのみならず,切除適応例での術前・術後の補助療法としての役割も期待される.薬物療法の進歩に応じた各施設の新たな外科治療戦略,その治療成績について提示いただきたい.
[Challenges beyond borders] New Surgical Treatment Strategies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Brought about by Recent Advances in Drug Therapy
Recent advances in drug therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) using molecular targeted drugs and immune checkpoint inhibitors have brought about a paradigm shift in the overall treatment of HCC. They are expected to play a role not only as conversion surgery in unresectable cases but also as preoperative and postoperative adjuvant therapy in cases in which resection is indicated. We would like to discuss new surgical treatment strategies and their outcomes at each institution in response to advances in drug therapy.




How to Use Online Systems for Surgical Education and Work-Style Reform
The construction of new social systems utilizing digital and communication technologies is progressing in various fields. In surgical education, cloud sharing of surgical videos, video clinics, webinars, and virtual conferences have become routine. In this session, we would like to learn new ways of using online systems for surgical education and work style reform at each institution to help gastroenterological surgeons enhance their work and life.


How to Educate Young Gastroenterological Surgeons in the Era of Robot-Assisted Surgery
Although the number of surgical robots is limited at present, it is expected that robot-assisted surgery will become the standard in the future due to society's demand for minimally invasive surgery and rapid technological innovation. In robot-assisted surgery, which has many elements of solo surgery, it is an important issue how young surgeons, who will be responsible for the future of gastroenterological surgery, can be trained as surgeons. It is also an issue how to integrate the training into the overall training of gastroenterological surgeons. In this session, we would like to discuss the roadmap for training young surgeons in gastroenterological surgery, as well as the timing, specific methods, and challenges of robot-assisted surgical training, with examples from each institution.


Intracorporeal Anastomosis: Challenges and Solutions
Intracorporeal anastomosis of the gastrointestinal tract is a technique that has the advantage of reducing surgical invasiveness by reducing the size of the wound and the extent of organ mobilization. However, there is still room for improvement due to concerns about intracorporeal infection and peritoneal seeding, and the complexity of the limited field of view. In this session, we would like to share the advantages of intracorporeal anastomosis and its surgical outcomes at each institution, regardless of the organ, to help improve the technical level of intracorporeal anastomosis.


Perioperative and Outpatient Management of Sarcopenia and Frailty
Sarcopenia/frailty has been reported to affect not only short-term surgical outcomes but also long-term prognosis, and its countermeasures are essential for improving gastrointestinal surgical outcomes. However, it is not easy to establish countermeasures against the background of advanced age, underlying diseases, and long-term deterioration of physical functions. In this session, we would like to share sarcopenia/frailty measures and their evaluation at each institution to improve short- and long-term surgical outcomes, and discuss effective intervention methods including outpatient supportive care.


Current Status and Challenges of Multidisciplinary Treatment for Oligometastasis other than Colorectal Cancer
Oligometastasis is a condition with a small number of distant metastases. Although it has been reported that long-term prognosis can be achieved by multimodality treatment including surgery, a clear treatment strategy for each primary disease has not been established. In this session, we would like to share the current status and results of multidisciplinary treatment of oligometastasis other than colorectal cancer at each institution, and discuss prognostic factors, optimal intervention methods and timing of treatment for primary tumors and metastases.

6.【総論】術後合併症発生後のFailure to Rescue回避の取り組み

Failure to rescue(FTR)とは,有害事象発生の後に防ぎ得なかった院内死亡を指し,病院の安全の質に関連するとされる.合併症に伴う術後死亡に関しては,患者因子,外科医因子のみならず,スタッフ数や閉鎖型ICUなどの院内体制や,合併症の早期認知および適切な対応,安全意識,チーム連携などの質的因子もその発生率に影響すると報告されている.本セッションでは,術後合併症発生後のFTR回避のための取り組みをご紹介いただき,多くの病院が実施可能な介入策を提案していただきたい.
Avoiding Failure to Rescue after Postoperative Complications
Failure to rescue (FTR) refers to in-hospital deaths that could not be prevented after an adverse event and is related to the quality of hospital safety. The incidence of postoperative death due to complications has been reported to be influenced not only by patient and surgeon factors, but also by qualitative factors such as the number of staff, hospital organization such as closed ICUs, early recognition of complications and appropriate response, safety awareness, and team collaboration. In this session, we would like to learn the efforts to avoid FTR after postoperative complications at each institution and propose interventions that can be implemented in many hospitals.


Current Status and Future Prospects for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery
Bariatric and metabolic surgeryis now considered a treatment option for type 2 diabetes, but there are still many issues to be addressed, such as assuring the safety of surgery for severely obese patients and its long-term effectiveness. In this session, we would like to share the results of weight loss, control of complications, and improvement of quality of life at each institution, and discuss the validity and future prospects of this surgery.


Surgical Techniques and Innovations of Mediastinoscopic Esophagectomy for Thoracic Esophageal Cancer
The mediastinoscopic approach to thoracic esophageal cancer has the advantage of not requiring an open chest, but it is necessary to overcome difficulties in visual field development and anatomical recognition in the early stages of introduction. In this session, we would like to share the innovations and results of the mediastinoscopic approach at each institution and discuss the standardization of this technique.


Postoperative Outpatient Nutritional Intervention and Long-Term Outcomes after Esophageal Cancer Surgery
The importance of perioperative nutritional therapy in esophageal cancer surgery is widely recognized, but there is still a lack of evidence regarding the effect of outpatient nutritional therapy on long-term outcomes. In this session, we would like to share the long-term results of perioperative and outpatient nutritional therapy at each institution, and discuss how nutritional therapy contributes to long-term prognosis.


JCOG1109試験や国際共同治験であるCheckMate 577試験などの知見により,周術期の化学療法・放射線療法・免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の予後改善効果が明らかになりつつある.本セッションではこれら最新の知見を踏まえた各施設での取り組みと成績を示していただき,さらなる予後改善を目指した治療戦略について議論いただきたい.
Frontiers in Multidisciplinary Treatment of Resectable Advanced Esophageal Cancer
The JCOG1109 trial and the international CheckMate 577 trial have revealed the prognostic value of perioperative chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immune checkpoint inhibitors. In this session, we would like to share the efforts and results of each institution based on these latest findings, and discuss treatment strategies for further improvement of prognosis.


Multidisciplinary Treatment for Advanced Esophagogastric Junction Cancer
The prognosis of advanced esophagogastric junction cancer is poor, and the development of multidisciplinary treatment is expected. However, perioperative adjuvant therapy has not yet been established in Japan, and various attempts are being made based on the results of overseas clinical trials. In this session, we would like to share the approaches and results of perioperative adjuvant therapy at each institution, and to build evidence for the development of multidisciplinary treatment.


New Treatment Strategies for Gastric Cancer with Advanced Peritoneal Metastases
Gastric cancer with advanced peritoneal metastases is highly refractory to treatment and has a poor prognosis, and the PHOENIX-GC trial suggested some clinical benefit of intraperitoneal chemotherapy with paclitaxel over standard therapy, although it did not demonstrate a survival advantage, and was included in guidelines. In addition, new treatment options such as molecular-targeted agents and drug selection based on cancer gene panel tests have been introduced. In this session, we would like to explore the possibility of new treatment for gastric cancer with advanced peritoneal metastasis by sharing the efforts of each institution.


Surgical Indication and Selection of Surgery for Very Elderly Patients with Gastric Cancer
With the increase in the number of elderly patients with gastric cancer and advances in perioperative management, the age of indication for surgery is expanding. However, the selection of surgical indications and procedures must be done carefully, taking into consideration various co-morbidities, frailty, and family environment. In this session, we would like to discuss the indications for surgery for the very elderly (over 85 years old), the selection of surgical procedures, and creative ideas to overcome the difficulties of surgery.


Optimal Reconstruction Method for Proximal Gastrectomy
Proximal gastrectomy is increasingly being performed for early-stage cancer of the epigastric region and esophagogastric junction. However, postoperative complications such as reflux esophagitis, stricture, and anastomotic failure have been reported. In this session, we would like to discuss the optimal reconstruction method after proximal gastrectomy to avoid postoperative complications by sharing the innovations and results of each institution.


Indications for residual stomach preservation from a long-term perspective
With the aging of gastric cancer patients and the increase in early-stage gastric cancer due to improved diagnostic capabilities, the avoidance of total gastrectomy and the preservation of residual gastric volume are attracting attention. Specifically, there are various possibilities, such as pylorus-preserving gastrectomy with minimal residual stomach for upper gastric cancer, preservation of the pyloric residual stomach less than half of that during proximal gastrectomy, and preservation of the minimal stomach in residual gastric cancer. On the other hand, no evidence has been obtained for the improvement of long-term quality of life by the preservation of the residual stomach. In this session, we would like to discuss the innovations of each institution for the preservation of the residual stomach, aiming at improving long-term postoperative quality of life.


Current Status of Colorectal Cancer Treatment for Elderly Patients with Systemic Comorbidities of ASA 3 or Higher
Elderly patients with colorectal cancer, especially those with severe systemic comorbidities such as emphysema, cirrhosis, diabetes, long-term steroid use, and dialysis, face the challenge that once complications develop, quality of life may be significantly reduced and surgical mortality may increase. Therefore, surgeons are often faced with the choice of surgical technique and stoma placement. In this session, we would like to share surgical experiences for elderly patients with colorectal cancer with systemic comorbidities of ASA3 or higher and the surgical outcomes including quality of life at each institution, and discuss how to select colorectal cancer treatment based on host factors.


ESGEガイドライン改訂では,閉塞性大腸癌に対するBridge to Surgery目的のステント留置が一つの治療選択肢に含まれた.一方で局所高度進展例または遠隔転移を伴う場合には,予後改善を念頭においた集学的治療も必要となる.腫瘍学的治療成績向上の観点から閉塞性大腸癌に対する至適治療戦略について議論いただきたい.また,各戦略による経済的観点からの報告も歓迎する.
Update on Treatment Strategies for Obstructive Colorectal Cancer
The revised ESGE guidelines include stenting as a bridge to surgery for obstructive colorectal cancer as a treatment option. On the other hand, multimodality treatment with a view to improving prognosis is also necessary in cases of advanced local extension or distant metastasis. We would like to discuss optimal treatment strategies for obstructive colorectal cancer from the viewpoint of improving oncological outcomes. We also welcome reports on the economic aspects of each strategy.


StageII-III直腸癌に対し,高解像度MRI導入により詳細なリスク分類がなされ,upfront surgeryから集学的治療内容まで層別化が進んでいる.一方で集学的治療抵抗例もみられ,集学的治療の有用例,不要例,早期再発などの不十分例を層別化できる新しい診断modalityが求められている.直腸癌に対する個別化治療に向けたリスク層別化の取り組みを提示いただきたい.
Prediction of treatment response and recurrence risk in rectal cancer
The introduction of high-resolution MRI for Stage II-III rectal cancer has led to detailed risk classification and stratification of patients from upfront surgery to multimodality treatment. On the other hand, there are cases that are resistant to multimodality treatment and cases of early recurrence. Therefore, a new diagnostic modality is required to stratify cases in which multimodality treatment is useful, unnecessary, or inadequate. We would like to discuss appropriate risk stratification for personalized treatment of rectal cancer.


結腸癌に対するロボット支援下手術も保険適応が認められ,腹腔鏡手術で難易度が高いとされるSurgical trunkの郭清,左側横行結腸癌手術や下行結腸癌手術への活用が期待される.一方でロボット手術の欠点として術野制限があり,広範な術野操作を円滑に行う戦略が必要である.本セッションでは,ロボット支援下結腸癌手術の定型化に向けた課題と工夫を討論いただきたい.
Standardization of Robot-Assisted Colon Cancer Surgery
Robotic-assisted surgery for colon cancer is now covered by insurance, and is expected to be utilized for dissection of the surgical trunk, left-sided transverse colon cancer surgery, and descending colon cancer surgery, which are considered difficult to perform by laparoscopic surgery. On the other hand, the disadvantage of robotic surgery is the limited surgical field, which requires a strategy to smoothly perform a wide range of surgical operations. In this session, we would like to discuss the challenges and innovations for the standardization of robot-assisted colon cancer surgery.


Multidisciplinary Treatment Strategies for Locally Advanced Colorectal Cancer with Unresectable Distant Metastases
Based on the results of JCOG1007, the standard of care for colorectal cancer patients with unresectable metastases and no symptoms from the primary tumor is immediate chemotherapy without resection of the primary tumor. On the other hand, for rectal cancer and bulky tumors where tumor remnants impair quality of life, some centers aggressively resect the primary tumor along with multimodality therapy. We would like to discuss the optimal treatment strategy for this condition based on the treatment strategy and results at each institution.


Role of Adjuvant Therapy in High-Risk Group for Postoperative Recurrence of Simultaneous Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer
The results of JCOG0603 suggest that adjuvant chemotherapy is of limited benefit in the treatment of resectable liver metastases of colorectal cancer. On the other hand, the necessity of adjuvant chemotherapy for patients at high risk of postoperative recurrence, especially for simultaneous liver metastases, is a matter of debate. We would like to discuss the significance of adjuvant chemotherapy for high-risk patients in this complicated situation.

22.【下部】直腸癌に対するwatch and wait戦略の現状と課題

直腸癌に対するwatch and wait戦略が注目をあび,欧米において手術単独で治癒が期待できる早期癌に対しても積極的に導入されている.一方再増殖も一定頻度でみられ,臨床的寛解の判断のみならずwatch and waitを狙う適応条件が重要であるが,それらの基準は明確ではない.直腸癌に対するwatch and wait戦略の最大化に向けた工夫と現状の限界を議論していただきたい.
Current Status and Challenges of Watch and Wait Strategies for Rectal Cancer
The watch-and-wait strategy for rectal cancer has attracted much attention and is being actively introduced in Europe and the United States for patients with early-stage cancer who can be cured by surgery alone. However, re-proliferation is also observed at a certain frequency, and it is important to determine not only the clinical remission but also the indications for watch and wait, but these criteria are not clear. We would like to discuss the indicaions and limitations of the current watch-and-wait strategy for rectal cancer and its efforts to maximize its potential.


膿瘍または瘻孔形成を伴う結腸憩室炎は切除が根治的であるが,炎症や憩室の範囲から拡大手術となることが多い.敗血症を有する場合はドレナージやストーマ造設などのdamage control後の根治手術戦略も妥当と考えられ,その場合はさらに腹腔鏡下アプローチなどの選択肢も広がる.膿瘍または瘻孔形成を伴う結腸憩室炎の至適治療戦略について議論いただきたい.
Optimal Treatment Strategy for Colonic Diverticulitis with Abscess or Fistula Formation
Resection is curative for colonic diverticulitis with abscess or fistula formation, but often results in extensive surgery because of the wide extent of inflammation and diverticula. In the case of sepsis, radical surgical strategy after damage control such as drainage and stoma creation may be appropriate, and in such cases, options such as laparoscopic approach are also available. We would like to discuss optimal treatment strategies for colonic diverticulitis with perforation or fistula formation.


NCD解析によると,2019年症例の急性汎発性腹膜炎術後90日死亡率は11.4%であり,過去10年間大きな改善は見られていない.宿主因子や施設環境因子,治療因子が複雑に影響し,救命率向上は一筋縄では行かないのも事実であるが,外科的集中治療の進歩,敗血症治療の進歩,damage control 戦略,open abdominal managementの活用,院内診療連携,施設の集約化などにより治療成績の向上も報告されている.本セッションでは,下部消化管穿孔症例を中心に各施設で治療経験を持ち寄り,急性汎発性腹膜炎の救命率向上を目指したこれからの治療戦略について議論いただきたい.
Toward Improving the Surgical Rescue Rate of Acute Diffuse Peritonitis
According to NCD analysis, the 90-day postoperative mortality rate for acute diffuse peritonitis in 2019 was 11.4%, with no significant improvement over the past decade. It is true that host factors, facility environmental factors, and treatment factors have complex influences, and improving the life-saving rate is not a simple matter. However, recent advances in intensive surgical care, sepsis treatment, damage control strategies, open abdominal management, in-hospital collaboration, and consolidation of facilities have been reported to improve outcomes. In this session, we would like to discuss the treatment strategies to improve the survival rate of acute diffuse peritonitis by sharing the experiences of treatment for colorectal perforation at each institution.


New Treatment Strategies for Mesenteric Artery Occlusive Diseases
In mesenteric artery occlusion, thrombectomy or bowel resection is selected based on contrast-enhanced computed tomography findings of blood flow and intestinal necrosis. Recently, IVR thrombus aspiration, intraoperative blood flow evaluation by ICG fluorescence, and two-stage surgery have been introduced to avoid massive resection of the intestine, but the response has not been consistent from institution to institution or case to case. In this session, we woud like to discuss treatment strategies to avoid massive resection of the intestinal tract and to improve postoperative quality of life (QOL) and prognosis.


Current Status and Prospects of Surgical Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease treatment strategies have changed significantly with the advent of new biologics and new endoscopic diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, but there are still many unknowns regarding optimal management with a view to long-term prognosis. In addition, there are still some conditions that are beyond the scope of these advances, such as untreated or undiagnosed emergency surgery and refractory cases with multiple co-morbidities. In this session, we woud like to discuss the indications and optimal methods of surgical intervention in the new treatment system for inflammatory bowel disease, based on the results of each institution.


Reevaluation of treatment outcomes of distal cholangiocarcinoma based on the 7th edition of the General Rules for Clinical and Pathological Studies on Cancer of the Biliary Tract.
In the 7th edition of the Japanese Biliary Cancer Code, the definition of T-factor for distal cholangiocarcinoma has been substantially changed, and the evaluation by depth and thickness of cancer invasion has been incorporated. However, the results of treatment based on the new definition and comparison with the old definition are not clear enough. In this session, we would like to share the results of treatment before and after the revision of the new protocol at each institution, and discuss the validity of the 7th edition of the General Rules for the treatment of distal cholangiocarcinoma.


New Strategies to Improve Safety and Long-Term Prognosis of Simultaneous Hepato-Pancreatic Resection
Hepatopancreatic resection (HPD) is selectively adopted to pursue R0 resection of advanced biliary tract cancer. However, postoperative complication rates and perioperative mortality rates are still high, and long-term outcomes are not fully clear. In this session, we would like to discuss how to maximize the effectiveness of HPD by sharing the surgical techniques, perioperative management, and short-term and long-term postoperative outcomes at each institution.


Improved Treatment Strategies for Acute Cholecystitis
Although early cholecystectomy is recommended for acute cholecystitis, percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) may be the treatment of choice depending on the patient's general condition and the facility. There is still disagreement regarding the timing of cholecystectomy after PTGBD, and there are many issues such as the risk of iatrogenic biliary injury due to the difficulty of the procedure. In this session, we would like to share the current status and results of acute cholecystitis treatment at each institution, and discuss how surgical treatment strategies for acute cholecystitis can be improved.


Optimal Strategy of Preoperative Chemotherapy for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer
Various guidelines for the treatment of pancreatic cancer suggest preoperative chemotherapy for resectable pancreatic cancer. However, preoperative chemotherapy may cause a decrease in PS and disease progression during the preoperative period, which may result in a missed opportunity for radical resection. In addition, there is insufficient evidence for a prognostic benefit of chemotherapy. In this session, we would like to share the long-term results of patients with resectable pancreatic cancer treated with preoperative chemotherapy and discuss strategies to maximize the prognostic value of preoperative chemotherapy.

31.【肝胆膵】膵切除後長期成績の向上を目指した周術期・外来管理 ENGLISH

Perioperative and Outpatient Management to Improve Long-Term Outcomes after Pancreatectomy
While perioperative management methods for pancreatectomy have improved, long-term complications such as malnutrition, deterioration of quality of life, and poor glycemic control caused by pancreatic insufficiency associated with pancreatectomy have not yet been resolved. We would like to share the perioperative and outpatient management of pancreatectomy at each institution and discuss appropriate intervention to avoid long-term complications and to maintain and improve quality of life.


Aiming to Reduce Pancreatic Fistula after Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Various measures have been taken to avoid pancreatic fistula after pancreatoduodenectomy, including improvement of anastomosis, drain management, and appropriate antimicrobial therapy. However, pancreatic fistula continues to occur with a certain frequency, and there is still no clear consensus on the ideal surgical technique and management. In this session, we would like to discuss the safest surgical technique and perioperative management of pancreaticoduodenectomy to overcome pancreatic fistula.


Current Status and Future Prospects of Robotic-Assisted Liver Resection
Robotic-assisted liver resection is now covered by insurance and is being introduced mainly at advanced facilities. Although it is expected to overcome the problems of laparoscopic hepatectomy and expand the indications for minimally invasive liver resection, its superiority over laparoscopic surgery is not fully clear at present. In this session, we would like to share the actual situation of robot-assisted hepatectomy at each institution, and discuss the challenges and future prospects for the widespread use of this procedure and the expansion of its application to more difficult procedures.


  1. 【総論】移植後消化器癌治療における諸問題
  2. 【総論】Acute Care Surgeryに学ぶ消化器外科診療
  3. 【総論】再発消化器癌治療における緩和医療はどうあるべきか
  4. 【総論】施設におけるロボット手術運用上の諸課題
  5. 【総論】手術手技習得のためのOff the Job Training の工夫
  6. 【総論】透析患者における周術期管理の諸問題
  7. 【上部】高齢者(80歳以上)食道癌患者に対する治療戦略
  8. 【上部】腹腔鏡下胃切除の技術向上への取り組み
  9. 【上部】CY1胃癌切除症例に対する術後治療戦略
  10. 【上部】開腹胃癌手術の技術継承
  11. 【上部】進行胃癌に対する腹腔鏡手術のエビデンス
  12. 【下部】Colitic cancerに関する最新の知見と治療戦略
  13. 【下部】複雑性急性虫垂炎に対する治療戦略
  14. 【下部】非閉塞性腸間膜虚血(NOMI)に対する治療戦略
  15. 【肝胆膵】医原性胆道損傷・狭窄に対する至適リカバリー法
  16. 【肝胆膵】IPMNに対する新たな治療戦略
  17. 【肝胆膵】高齢者膵癌に対する膵頭十二指腸切除術の適応と限界
  18. 【肝胆膵】肝切除後胆汁漏の予防と対策
  19. 【肝胆膵】膵神経内分泌腫瘍の手術適応と治療成績


  1. 【総論】こだわりの腹腔鏡下鼠径ヘルニア手術
  2. 【総論】下腹部術後または再発例の鼠径ヘルニアに対する手術の工夫
  3. 【総論】急性腹症・外傷に対する低侵襲手術
  4. 【上部】食道癌・食道胃接合部癌手術における中下縦隔リンパ節郭清の手技と工夫
  5. 【上部】食道裂孔ヘルニア・逆流性食道炎に対する手術治療
  6. 【上部】術後合併症回避を目指した食道切除後再建法の工夫
  7. 【上部】胃粘膜下腫瘍に対する手術治療
  8. 【下部】ストーマ造設および閉鎖方法の工夫
  9. 【下部】直腸切除後縫合不全減少への取り組み
  10. 【下部】術前化学・化学放射線療法後の腹腔鏡下・ロボット支援下大腸手術のコツ
  11. 【下部】困難例(肥満、脾弯曲、多発癌など)に対する腹腔鏡下・ロボット支援下大腸手術の工夫
  12. 【下部】腹腔鏡下大腸全摘・回腸嚢肛門吻合の手術手技
  13. 【肝胆膵】血行再建を駆使した肝胆道手術手技
  14. 【肝胆膵】胆道癌に対する腹腔鏡・ロボット支援下手術
  15. 【肝胆膵】胆道拡張症に対する低侵襲手術
  16. 【肝胆膵】腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術における合併症回避のための手術ルール
  17. 【肝胆膵】膵癌に対する腹腔鏡下膵体尾部切除術の適応と手術手技
  18. 【肝胆膵】腹腔鏡下膵頭十二指腸切除術の標準化に向けた工夫
  19. 【肝胆膵】腹腔鏡下肝切除術のトラブルシューティング
  20. 【肝胆膵】腹腔鏡下再肝切除の適応と工夫


  • 本学会会員であること.
  • これまでに,本学会総会または大会で筆頭演者での発表をしていないこと.
  • 2023年以降に消化器外科専門医新規申請予定であること.
  • 消化器外科専門医をまだ持っていないこと.



01 食道,02 胃・十二指腸,03 小腸,04 大腸,05 肛門,06 肝臓,07 胆道,08 膵臓,09 脾臓・門脈,10 腹膜・後腹膜,11 免疫系,12 代謝・栄養,13 侵襲,14 消化器全般,15 上記以外の部門

A 炎症性疾患,B 潰瘍,C 腸閉塞,D 虚血性疾患,E 良性腫瘍,F 前癌病変,G 悪性腫瘍(早期),H 悪性腫瘍(進行),I 悪性腫瘍(再発,転移),J 感染症 K 外傷,L 結石症,M 術後合併症,N 再建臓器機能,再生,O 臓器不全,P 消化管穿孔,Q 移植,R 肥満,S ヘルニア,T 上記以外の疾患,病態,U 疾患以外の課題

a 症例報告,b 早期診断,c 画像診断,d 遺伝子診断,e 手術治療,f 内視鏡外科・腹腔鏡,g 化学療法・免疫療法,h 病理・アポトーシス,i 分子生物・生化,j 生理,k 免疫・内分泌,l サイトカイン,m フリーラジカル,n QOL,o 教育・トレーニング,p 緩和,q 救急,r 漢方,s ガイドライン,t クリニカルパス,u 医療安全,v その他の治療(含む放射線),w 研究(上記以外),x 地域医療,働き方改革,男女共同参画,y 上記以外の内容





  • 学部学生・初期研修医・メディカルスタッフセッションへのご投稿は非会員でも可能です.
  • 共同演者のご登録は9名までとさせていただきます.



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