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Last Update:2023年8月28日

BCDS & JSGS Joint Webinar

BCDS & JSGS The 3nd Joint Webinar




 - JSGS - 
Prof. Ken Shirabe(Gunma University)
 - BCDS - 
Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos L. Campos (Federal University of Paraná,
Brazilian College of Digestive Surgery)
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques (University of Sao Paulo)
Prof. Caio Sérgio Nahas (University of Sao Paulo)
 - JSGS - 
Prof. Hiroya Takeuchi (Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)
 - BCDS - 
Prof. Flavio Takeda (University of Sao Paulo)
 - JSGS - 
Prof. Hideki Ueno(National Defense Medical College)
 - BCDS - 
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques(University of Sao Paulo)
Case1 - BCDS -
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques(University of Sao Paulo)
Title: Technical aspects and uniquenesses of colorectal cancer treatment
Case2 - JSGS -
Prof. Masashi Tsuruta (International University of Health and Welfare(IUHW))
Title: A case report of rectal cancer with hereditary spherocytosis
 - JSGS - 
Prof. Hideki Ueno(National Defense Medical College)
Prof. Ichiro Takemasa (Sapporo Medical University)
Prof. Koji Okabayashi (Keio University)
Dr. Tadahiro Kojima (Hamamatsu University)
 - BCDS - 
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques (University of Sao Paulo)
Prof. Caio Sérgio Nahas (University of Sao Paulo)
Prof. Sérgio Carlos Nahas(University of Sao Paulo)
Prof. Pedro Basilio(University of Rio de Janeiro)


BCDS & JSGS The 4th Joint Webinar
Topic: Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Date & Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023 7:50-10:00am (Japan time)
Friday, August 25, 2023 7:50-10:00pm (Brazil time)
Platform: Zoom Webinar (hosted by JSGS)
7:50am  Opening
Prof. Ken Shirabe (JSGS)
Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos L. Campos (BCDS)
8:00-8:50am  Case1
- Presentation
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques (BCDS)
Technical aspects and uniquenesses of colorectal cancer treatment
- Discussion
Prof. Hideki Ueno (JSGS)
Prof. Ichiro Takemasa (JSGS)
Prof. Koji Okabayashi (JSGS)
Dr. Tadahiro Kojima (JSGS)
Prof. Carlos Frederico Sparapan Marques (BCDS)
Prof. Caio Sérgio Nahas (BCDS)
Prof. Sérgio Carlos Nahas (BCDS)
Prof. Pedro Basilio (BCDS)
8:50-9:40am  Case2
- Presentation
Prof. Masashi Tsuruta (JSGS)
A case report of rectal cancer with hereditary spherocytosis
- Discussion
Same as above
9:40am  Closing
Prof. Hiroya Takeuchi (JSGS)
Prof. Flavio Takeda (BCDS)